The One and Only Gregg Popovich


Coach Pop showing his “F_ck the fine” look.

Gregg Popovich or more popularly known as Coach Pop is under fire for deliberately sitting out four starters prior to a regular season game against the Miami Heat. For sure, various pundits and writers will posit their respective opinions regarding Coach Pop’s decision to sit out Duncan, Ginobili, Green, and Parker. Also, the debate will most likely revolve around these two parallel issues: the right of the league office to safeguard the quality of competition by ensuring that all able starters must play vis-à-vis the prerogative of the team, especially its coach, to decide who should suit up.

But, as the basketball world debates the issues above, I present the man responsible for the controversy. So here is Coach Popovich — uncut, uncensored, and uncouth.

* The image comes from